Imaginem pois que um homem de seus estudos se apaixona intelectualmente por uma mulher com quem partilha conhecimentos, gostos. Uma génia para um génio.
Imaginem que ela morre e volta em vingança, atormentando a esposa desse homem.
Agora imaginem isto escrito num conto. Agora imaginem que fazem uma imitação barata desta história no cinema que não tem metade do valor do original.
Pois é. E nem tudo o que escrevo é óbvio, sim?
Morreu, deveras. Morre sempre. E o que foi feito? Nada.
Música do dia:
Frase do dia: "I have spoken of the learning of Ligeia: it was immense—such as I have never known in woman. In the classical tongues was she deeply proficient, and as far as my own acquaintance extended in regard to the modern dialects of Europe, I have never known her at fault. Indeed upon any theme of the most admired, because simply the most abstruse of the boasted erudition of the academy, have I ever found Ligeia at fault? How singularly—how thrillingly, this one point in the nature of my wife has forced itself, at this late period only, upon my attention! I said her knowledge was such as I have never known in woman—but where breathes the man who has traversed, and successfully, all the wide areas of moral, physical, and mathematical science? I saw not then what I now clearly perceive, that the acquisitions of Ligeia were gigantic, were astounding; yet I was sufficiently aware of her infinite supremacy to resign myself, with a child-like confidence, to her guidance through the chaotic world of metaphysical investigation at which I was most busily occupied during the earlier years of our marriage." (Edgar Allan Poe; Ligeia)
Pergunta do dia: E vocês, alguma vez se sentiram impelidos a deixar para trás algo muito importante?
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